Press & Reviews

Agorà Varese article:

Press article for La Signorina Else -Theatre Turnings Prod. at Teatro Blu (Milano, IT)


Milano Today  article:

Press article for La Signorina Else -Theatre Turnings Prod. at Teatro Blu (Milano, IT)

<< Uno spettacolo che fonde parola e danza per arrivare a un punto di vista nuovo su una donna unica nella storia della letteratura. Un finale inaspettato che vi lascerà a bocca aperta >>

Tripadvisor  article:

Press article for Seas 2024/25 - PIÙ DI METÀ! -Theatre Turnings Prod. at Teatro Blu (Milano, IT)

<< Concerti e spettacoli a Maggiolina >>

Corriere Buone Notizie Milano  article:

2024/2025 Seas. Promotion by Sara Santucci -Theatre Turnings Prod. at Teatro Blu (Milano, IT)

<< [..] This is Sara Santucci's vision, a young actress who, in the name of inclusivity, will bring on stage shows in different languages, at the Teatro Blu in Milan for the upcoming theater season.  [...] >>

Shortout Atlanta article:

Interview with Alessia Seclì

<< [...] Luca Villa, Sara Santucci and Sara Grassi. These are the people that have most helped me grow as an artist and a person. Since we met the first time we knew we had to create Art together and we never stopped. They inspire me every day to be the best artist I can! >>

ESTIA Creative Home article:

Press article for Yes! -Theatre Turnings Prod.

<< Estia to us represents the complexity of the human body and the liberation of its most profound and intimate experiences from taboos >>

Broadway World article:

Press article for A Pandemic Day Of Sun -Theatre Turnings Prod.

<< "A PANDEMIC DAY OF SUN" is wishing to be the answer for a moment like the one where are living in, where society needs beauty, hope, and joy. >>

IMDb article:

Press article for A Pandemic Day Of Sun -Theatre Turnings Prod.

<< A music video, from artists located all over the world, that celebrates the love for performing during the Quarantine Period of 2020. >>

MTS Milano review:

Review article for A Pandemic Day Of Sun -Theatre Turnings Prod.

<< Ovviamente Simone Nardini, in qualità di direttore artistico MTS – MUSICAL! THE SCHOOL, è molto orgoglioso dell’iniziativa, tutto opera dei ragazzi che in autonomia hanno dato la luce a questo progetto e aggiunge: Lo scambio culturale internazionale e l’interazione tra discipline artistiche sono humus vitale per creatività e arte! >>  article:

Press article for A Pandemic Day Of Sun -Theatre Turnings Prod.

Il Blog della Danza review:

Review article for A Pandemic Day Of Sun -Theatre Turnings Prod.

<< Complimenti ragazzi! Il vostro entusiasmo è travolgente! >>